RS 800 scanning spectrometer with Techkon ExPresso Pro software


1 in stock


The compact RS 800 scanning spectrometer revolutionizes the automatic measurement of densities and dot gains on any print control strip, step wedge or test chart.
Operation is child’s play: the shapely measuring device lies securely in the hand.
It is passed briskly over the pressure control strip. The different measuring fields and their position on the control strip are recognized automatically. Guide rollers in the bottom of the unit ensure safe straight running. On large-format print sheets, the measuring device is moved along a guide rail.

The RS 800 scan spectrometer, which operates on a spectral basis, shows its strengths particularly in the measurement of spot colors. The device can also be used like a conventional handheld measuring device: Simply position it on the color field, press the measuring button – done! Measuring printing plates is just as easy.
The TECHKON ExPresso Pro software package is designed for spot color printing with up to eight colors and can therefore be used in conjunction with the RS 800 scan spectrometer.
The LT motorized linear actuator offers enhanced convenience.
The user is relieved from moving the meter manually.

Measuring geometry: 0/45° optics / DIN 5033
Orifice plate: 3 x 1.5 mm
Measuring light: Gas-filled incandescent lamp, illuminant A
Polarizing filter: double linear crossed
Scanning speed max. 150 mm/s
Smallest measuring field width: 3 mm
Density standard: DIN 16536
Measuring range: 0.00 D – 2.50 D
Reproducibility: +- 0.001 D
Power supply Power supply: 110 – 240 V, 47 – 63 Hz,
Interface: serial RS 232, 115 kBaud

Included in the offer:
LT 102 cm
Techkon ExPresso Pro Software with Dongle

Additional information


