Large sized cutting system Polar 137 XT-AT with stacking lifter, automatic vibrator, scale and optional unloader

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Large sized cutting system Polar 137 XT-AT with stacking lifter, automatic vibrator, scale and optional unloader (Art.Nr. 38464)


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    Large sized cutting system Polar 137 XT-AT with stacking lifter, automatic vibrator and scale
    set up in 2005

    The workflow:
    The cutting material is brought to the left side with a Beladelift to an optimal working height,
    placed by the operator in the vibrator, shaken there
    and then transported via a transfer table element on the front table of the high-speed cutter.

    Cutting machine Polar 137 XT-AT with Compucut P-net CIP 3 Connecting
    built 2005

    – Autotrim – waste removal (bay on the table to place a container below or for a connection to a suction, needs to be connected to an existing pressure connection)
    – nickel-plated air tables
    – 2 knives

    Cutting length 1370
    insertion depth 1450 mm insertion height max. 165 mm
    Pressing pressure 550-5500 daN
    front table depth 730 mm

    Polar stack lift LW 1000-4
    built 2000
    Platform 80x126mm
    By automatically lifting the material to be cut, the operator can load
    the material into the automatic vibrator or directly into
    the cutting machine at an ergonomically favorable working height .
    The stack lift can also be used for stacking of cutting material and has an adjustable stacking aid.
    Stacking lifts do not have to be anchored in the ground and can therefore be easily converted.
    They are equipped with infinitely adjustable retro-reflective sensors for automatic lifting or lowering.
    Automatic vibrating machine RA-4 with air
    built 2003
    wiping roller After completion of the shaking process the air is pressed out of the cutting position.
    They can be spread out 1 or 2 times, whereby the pressing pressure of the first spreading process is adjustable and with an inclined table also “spread out in between”
    Table size 900x1150mm stainless steel-plated Layer height

    min. 30 mm
    layer height man. 165 mm
    table height 860 – 950 mm
    Compressed air requirement at 6 – 8 bar approx. 2L / min

    sheet scale – Polar Mohr counting scale for platform
    for creating precise cutting positions

    Zeichnung Abstapler Polar




    Polar Transomat 1 ER 130-4 for unloading
    built 2002 – overhauled
    Places split and undivided layers automatically on pallets while rescoring them at the same time.
    This reduces production costs by 25 to 70 percent, depending on the cutting program.
    Thanks to the patented, movable pallet tip, the POLAR Transomat achieves particularly high edge accuracy.

    Increase of productivity: Stacking at the same time as cutting
    – Improvement of quality: Particularly edge-exact stacks can be processed directly and faster.
    included option
    Automatic format setting – Simplified operation, as the format setting is fully automatic via sensor.
    complete protection housing

    Polar Autotrim

    Additional information




    Polar Mohr
